Thursday, August 1, 2024

Thankful for small mercies

 Having bruk mi duck in the big fish sport last week, I went out this morning with high hopes of exceeding my record.

 For then I caught two, a seven pounder and a five pounder.

My goal today was therefore three large barracudas, but alas I only returned with two and they were not as large as my first catch.

Thankful for small mercies though. And shh, some people caught less😁.

Total catch 3. Joan 2😊

We went out at sunrise and it was absolutely beautiful and inspiring.

The sea was calm and serene and a cruise ship was on its way to Falmouth.

Even if I catch nothing or just quarter pounders on these trips, I love these treks to Silver Sands, compliments of my brother Bernie.

It's such a quiet, beautiful place.

I am really blessed. 

Giving thanks.


  1. Iam not anonymous, I am Jennifer Nunes and I love this episode. All I can say id BRAVA ...I wanna be like you when I grow up. BTW, Ivam surprised you werent pig-hunting ;) Enjoy my friend!!

    1. When I learn to hunt, I will certainly take on a wild hog🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. You should have been with the " friends forever" group Miss. Jen.
