Wednesday, March 18, 2009


As you guys know, we always try to do a ride into the hills on a Sunday to build up our strength for the long excursions into the countryside. On Sunday last (15th March 2009) we dropped our usual routine to go out and support our champion runner and lifesaver, Howie (Howard Lynch)who had entered the 5k Sigma race which started at Emancipation Park in New Kingston. This was the 11th anniversary of the Sigma run.

We knew that Howie had on a green shirt, but apart from one of our members saying that he had seen "green flash " zip past him at the beginning of the race and thought it was the "Green Lantern" we never really saw our mentor.

Anyway, Michael Chuck, Michael Williams , Damit and I had ridden down to the Park where we offered our services as volunteer wardens for the event. This involved policing those who entered the event to ensure that those who had signed up to walk did not sneak some running into it etc. as well as helping to keep traffic at bay. It was an OK day and would have been better had I known Shaggy, my favourite entertainer was going to be there for had I known I would have planted myself in front of the stage and not moved!

Anyway, among the most inspiring things I saw was the wheel chair entrants, who displayed such sportsmanship. It was a good day albeit we never got the level exercise we are accustomed to on a Sunday. Anyway, we topped it off with breakfast at Charles' so it was another day well spent.

Nb. We have a web page at ;

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