Tuesday, March 24, 2009

West Portland By-election

The west Portland by-election called on March 23rd, 2009, because Abe Dabdoud successfully convinced the courts that Daryl Vaz was in breach of the constitution because he had sworn allegiance to the United States of America is now over, thank God for Vaz renounced his US citizenship then went on to give the PNP’s Kenneth Rowe a thorough whopping! 

However, the issues should not be allowed to die. For we as a people need to decide if we will continue the ridiculous situation whereby persons who hold dual citizenship with some foreign countries should not be able to make laws affecting all of us, while others who also have one foot in and one foot out of Jamaica should be allowed, by virtue of this commonwealth nonsense. 

 This is the loophole that the Peoples National Party sought to crawl through when they arrogantly disrespected the voters in west Portland. For by pretending to be super patriots fighting to have only representatives loyal to Jamaica in the parliament, they sneaked thorough the loophole in the Constitution allowing commonwealth citizens to run, and tried to impose Kenneth Rowe, a Canadian citizen, who unlike Vaz was not prepared to give up his dual citizenship and put Jamaica first, on the people. They were severely rejected, partly for that act of immorality.

 As far as I am concerned, if persons are not 100 percent committed to Jamaica, Then give them, any job their little hearts could desire except governor general or as members in the upper or lower house.

 For why should persons who are not totally committed to Jamaica and who are not prepared to live with the consequences of their legislative decisions be allowed to pass laws to affect the rest of us? For too long these double standards have been allowed to prevail and while many of us did not pay much attention to the constitution, now that we have learnt of this anomaly via a very expensive lesson, (the by-election cost in the region of $30 million) we need to correct it. In my book, anyone who holds a Green card or citizenship papers to any other country apart from this fair isle, should never be allowed to pass legislation affecting us period. If they truly believe in what they are doing, then let them do like Vaz and remove all doubt about what they are up to.

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