Sunday, August 23, 2009

By No Means Uneventful

There is one adjective that could never be used to describes today's ride and that is uneventful.

Well certainly not for me or Heather, for today was the day when we crashed. That right, we had a minor event.This was after a series of other minor mishaps however.

For from I picked up my bicycle in Hope Pastures, the front wheel was flat do Andrew was set to work to pump it up. Peter was riding with us to Maryland for the first time so hew was having the same difficulties we have all had on that first ride up those hills. At one point I was ahead and decided to turn back to look for the others. As I turned back I saw Andrew and made a circle to go back up the hill. That's when my front tire tripped me! At least that how I like to think of it since my tire was almost flat and again I had to prevail on Andrew to pump it.

As we approached bottom Maryland where we had seen the pocomania parade the week before and I was struggling carelessly up the hill in the middle of the road, I almost crashed into Andre and his bcdn of professional riders speeding down the hill. I in derstand they had ridden from Norbrook up to Peter's Rock and were on their way home. This near miss caused me to have to dismount at that point.

When we got to Maryland we found that some of the local people had beat us to the "swimming pool," so we joined them and had a glorious frolic in the ice cold water. Barry had suggested that since we are invading this small sleepy village on a regular basis and using their facilities, we should at least find a place to start ordering breakfast. So Howie has now made arrangements to start buying breakfast from "Coy" as of next week.

When we were ready to descend, lo and behold my front tire was really flat this time and with no Damit with us, we had nothing to fix it with. The men in the square were great however going to get patch and solution for us and soon we were back in business.

It was when we were on the return journey down the hill that the real drama occurred. We got to a spot where Howie had ordered some ackees from a young lady. I was in the front of my group and a man standing by the stall shouted to me to remember the ackees. I pulled over to the lef side to stop, not realising that Heather was right behind me. That's when we collided. My bicycle fell on top of her bicycle, she landed on her stomach and I landed on top of her!

It must have been quite a scene, but this as one of those occasions when no one was taking photographs so the greastest show on earth is unrecorded, except for this blog of course! The only thing hurt was our pride, thank heavens, but everyone had a great laugh.

The rest of the journey to Papine was uneventful so we bought breakfast and went up to Howie's house with the great view of Kingston and brought the day's ride to an appropiate finish after a delicious meal.

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