Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Maryland River

Well our Sunday ride has become a big hit, for no one I know can resist a great swimming hole. And our newly discovered "pool" just above the town of Maryland has now become a the place to be on a Sunday. So last Sunday we had twelve riders and two motor vehicles taking the enjoyable ride up there. The surprise was seeing my niece Coretta, her mother and children, David and Victoria for she had told me she was going to a party on Saturday night and would not be able to wake up in time. Well they did not wake up in time for the ride but they came up with Betty and Chin You.

I had psyched up myself all week that I would be jumping into the cold water and I did. Actually, if you don't allow the water to touch any part of your body beforehand but just jump straight in, its not so cold.

Barry took the ride for the first time since his spill coming off the hill some months ago. He did get a puncture however but since Damit is a boy' scout and is always prepared, he provided a patch and we got a lesson in how to patch a tyre. This time however we were deprived of Barry's usual spectacular spills. Grace had a hard time riding up the hill (as we have all had on our first try) but found a bench half way up on which frazzle out.

We all had a ball up at the river and back at Papine we went to our newly discovered breakfast place and on to Charles and Betty's home to fill it up and shoot the breeze. Sundays sure are getting better.

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