Monday, March 8, 2010

Getting the Leasership We Deserve

I don't remember who said a country always gets the leadership it deserves, but in Jamaica's case where it is once again being demonstrated that it is the criminal dons who run things, we are getting exactly what we deserve.

I remember clearly in 1995 when the member of parliament Heather Robinson went to parliament and told the country that the head of the Clansman gang, master criminal "Bulbie" wanted to take over her constituency. She stoutly declared that before she allowed that to happen she would walk away from politics. However, her party, the PNP under P.J Patterson refused to support her. As to civil society, they were no better as her political demise was met with a stony silence from the churches, women's groups and all influential voices in the society.

Similarly, around the same period when Golding formed the National Democratic Movement and renounced garrison politics, he got only minimal support from the country. When he returned to the mire however (traditional dirty garrison politics as practiced by the JLP and PNP) he was welcomed with open arms?

So haven't we brought the situation on ourselves where the government now puts the interest of a don over the interest of the rest of the country?

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