Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Poor God.

Some bible tooters will tell you that the good book proclaims that the love of money is the root of all evil.

I wish to disagree whole heartedly however as our experiences on this earth has shown that more people have been massacred over the love of religion than the love of money. 

The latest reminder of this comes from Nigeria where some 5oo persons, mainly women and children, have been chopped to death this very week, near the city of Jo. These victims were supposed to be Christians who have been massacred by their Muslim neighbours as a reprisal for the massacre of Muslims which took place in January this year.

 History is replete with this type of brutal savagery in the name of religion, something I have never heard happening because of the love of money.

For if its not not genocide in Bosnia or Darfur it is as they say "sectarian violence" in India, Iraq, or terrorism in the United States (what do you think 9/11 was?) and Britain. And who remembers the brutal religious taerrorists in Uganda who kidnapped children and forced them to kill. Their name? ....... " The Party of God."

Poor God. The atrocities being carried out in Her name are really outrageous and one wonders when biblical teaching will be updated to keep up with the realities of life.

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