Thursday, May 6, 2010

So-Called Christians! LOL

So-called Christians never cease to amuse me. It is a somewhat sick joke with me I guess, but you see I live in a country where in excess of 90% of the population claims to be Christians and my years of interaction with most of them has made me extremely cynical. For as far as I can see, if poor Jesus Christ ever visited Jamaica and saw what most of those who claim to be following his teachings and preaching in his name are doing, he would surely have a heart attack! 

 I am now waiting to for the biggest joke of all. You see, we now have a very christian Governor General. His name is Sir Patrick Allen, as one of the lovely perks that comes with the job of Governor General is knighthood by the great Queen in England. Before Sir Patrick accepted this exalted position, he was head of the powerful, influential and very christian West Indies Adventist Association or whatever they are called. In other words, he must have been considered the top christian among Adventists.

Now in Jamaica, the Governor General is required to sign all laws passed by the elected and appointed ones in parliament, whether he agrees with the law or not. Also in Jamaica, nothing whips so-called Christians into action quicker than a suggestion that Casino gambling should be introduced into this fair land. So paranoid have the so-called christian leaders become that every time there is mention of the six letter word they rouse themselves from the deep slumber that keeps them silent while little children get raped or have their throats cut or as murder spirals out of control, to utter threats of hell fire and brimstone, call for national prayers and fasting when anyone dares breathe the word Casino. 

 Well the real bangarang is about to explode and we will finally see true christian example at the highest level, for there is now actually a bill at Kings House awaiting the signature of our esteemed Governor General Sir Patrick to make Casinos legal in Jamaica. This bill was passed by the representatives of the people who sit in the Lower House as well as the appointed ones sitting in the Upper House and only needs the signature of the Governor General to become the law of the land. 

What a bam bam for the question being asked far and wide is, will he or wont he? Sign the bill into law I that is! In other words, will he throw out all his so called christian principles and sign into law something he has always opposed or will he resign rather than put his much sought after signature on such a despicable piece of legislation? Any bets? I am betting that as a good christian he will never give up the exotic life that one enjoys as Governor General for it comes with great Royal perks (although in my view, it the most useless job in Jamaica) for so-called christian principles. 

 Come on, I am offering odds of 500 to 1 that he will sign. Give up the good life? Ha. Stay tuned. Fine Print Please note that I have never paid a bet that I lost!