Friday, May 7, 2010

Pontious Pilate?

Oh oh, am I in serious problems! You see, despite the fact that I know from experience how slick so-called goody goody people are (ie. self proclaimed Christians) , I had forgotten about Pontious Pilate and the fact that he must be the role model for the slickest ones of all.

You will recall how poor Pontious felt badly about having to sign the death warrant for Jesus, so he left the room.

Who one earth knew that Sir Patrick had left the room, I mean, left the island?

Well apparently he had done just that and had an acting Governor General in place. Well now wasn't that one hell of a state secret! And imagine, it happened conveniently just as the casino bill arrived on his desk for signature!

Yeah , I lost the bet as I really never took the Pontious Pilate option into consideration. Anacy would be proud!

Woe is me for it seems my many years of being samfied by Christians w has taught me nothing..

Good thing one accepted my odds.

So Ladies and gentlemen, the casino law has now been passed and the godly gentleman remains intact and pure, without so far having to soil his honourable signature.


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