Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Paying the Piper

I have been trying to point out to all for years, including to those who keep harping on the historical slavery that was abolished almost two hundred years ago, that a new type of slavery is alive and well in Jamaica. For the fact is, most of those who live in the twelve garrisons are nothing but the slaves of the dons.

Of course, most people, because they are political cultists first and Jamaicans last, have preferred to ignore this terrible fact.

The garrisons were set up for the convenience of despicable politicians who are too lazy and corrupt to campaign to get into parliament, preferring to use gunmen to do what should be an honourable task. In return, their minions are guaranteed a lot of freeness...... free shelter, free light, free water compliments of taxpayers and paying consumers, plus the extras provided by the dons who claim to be modern day Robin Hoods. However, what they do not seem to realise is that a time will come when they would have to pay the piper.

The chickens have come home to roost for the Tivoli people, some 2000 of whom it was estimated, brazenly claimed they were prepared to put their lives for on the block for their don. Of course, what most members of the public do not know is that the vast majority had no option but to come out and demonstrate, for if they didn't, they would have been exiled from the community or worse, as is the lot of most other slaves who live in the garrisons.

Will those enslaved in other garrisons learn anything form these past three terrible days?

While the "Tivolites" were required to lay their lives on the block for their don, not only was it reported that he sent his children out before the upheaval began in earnest, but also it appears that he too has sneaked out and left them to face the music.

Do those who swear their dons love them understand what happened here? I doubt if they are prepared to accept reality however for the freeness mentality was firmly planted and nurtured in the 70's and it has been well fertilised over the years by the a string of dons who operate with the blessings of their political bosses.


  1. "Despicable politicians"...... As always I just love how you put it out there in black and white...

  2. I hope you get this published quickly.
