Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tacky Falls

While the country waited to see what the security forces were going to do about Tivoli gardens where the residents had threatened to fight to the death rather than have their don Dudus extradited, Fun and Thrills headed for the peaceful countryside, for as we are often reminded by country folk, Kingston is not Jamaica.

As expected the country areas were as beautiful and peaceful as expected and we had a wonderful day.

I started riding from my home and met up with Charles and Charlene on the way and together we rode at an easy pace to Stony Hill. There we awaited the arrival of the late comers before heading to our destination, Agualta Vale.

It was a wonderful, easy ride as it was quite overcast and the flora and fauna , the mountains and valleys were absolutely awe inspiring and breath taking.

The road divides the beautiful Castleton gardens into two

Our first stop was by Castleton Gardens gate where both water coconuts and the most delicious janga soup in the world is available.

Our second stop was at a fruit stand operated by the most unpleasant vendor I have ever encountered in my long life. He will certainly never ever get business from any of us who stopped there that morning.

To begin with, Howie dismounted , took out his camera and put his bicycle close to his operation in order to take pictures of the riders coming down the hill. Without even stopping to find out what was happening, he shouted at Howie that he couldn't take his picture! Then poor Damit bought some nesberrries from him and withdrew to the wall to eat one, only to be shouted at by the man that he could not sit on the public curb wall! When I asked why, he said he did not have to answer any questions! I was amazed when during his tirade he declared that he had been in business there for 22 years. I am positive he could never have had any repeat business during that period.

That aside, all went well and at Agulta Vale we packed up our bikes into the pickup and drove to have a delicious breakfast to at a place beyond Islington in St. Mary called Friendship.

Then we set off to our true destination, Tacky Falls named after the maroon warrior who led one of the two slave rebellions of 1740.

To get there, you have walk down a fairly steep, treacherous, and slippery path, but it was well worth the trip. While these falls were not too spectacular because of the drought which prevailed when we went there, we were told by our guide that when it is really raging, you dare not go under the falls or the you will be swept away by the raging waters into the ravine which seems to be at least forty feet deep. At the edge of the ravine, the are caves under the huge rocks and also we are told, a clear cool underground lake (which we did not of course explore!) which is where Tacky was able to hide from the British to conduct his assaults.

After a bath at the falls, we headed to one of the beaches at Robin's Bay where some persons had a wonderful time swimming, while I had a beautiful nap before heading home.

It was indeed another wonderful outing into the most beautiful countryside in the world.

JOAN WILLIAMS, co-host of JUSTICE on POWER 106, describes herself as an unapologetic addict to the Jamaican outdoors. A foundation member of FUN AND THRILLS ADVENTURE CLUB, she explores the island at any given opportunity cycling, hiking or swimming with that group, family, Jah 3 and anyone else who will have her. In 1995, she published the popular TOUR JAMAICA and the 4th edition is now an ebook available at;

1 comment:

  1. unfortunately- for some- the two is inseparable. Kingston has its beauty in culture, art and peoples.
