Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Prime minister Should Go

As I heard Bruce Golding having to admit that he was behind the hiring of a US law firm to try and prevent the extraditing of Tivoli Gardens don and reputed drug lord, I couldn't but reflect on the famous words by Walter Scott" O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!"

For nothing but deception has come out of the prime ministers mouth since the matter first emerged. Of course his cultists will tell you that when he said the government of Jamaica did not hire Manatt Phelps and Phillips, that was the absolute truth. Of course it was, but the lie was just as blatant for while he was saying that, the prime minister was pretending that he knew nothing about the hiring of the firm. Now the tells us he sanctioned it on behalf of the party not the government. Is he expecting us to swallow that and say ok, fine, forget it?

Absolutely not.Golding has lost all moral authority to be the leader of this country as has his minister of justice Dorothy Lightbourne. They both need to do the right thing and go.

One of the constant complaints that I had about the P.J.Patterson administration was that Jamaica was placed 3rd on his list of priorities. For his first interest was his party, the PNP, then he put everything Caribbean above Jamaica's interest. Golding in opposition sold himself as a reformed person, but obviously it is true that a leopard cannot change it s spots. Golding was brought up in gangland style politics and he has learned well.

I cry for my country caught as it is between two armed gangs profiling as political parties. We have a country where there is no longer any such thing as morality, where illiteracy is rampant, dishonesty considered the norm and hopelessness pervades.

What, I wonder will Jamaica look like in 20 years? I can't even try to imagine.

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