Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Vacation Leave

I couldn't have heard the news report on radio correctly! While the teachers are raising holy hell about getting more money yet promising no better productivity, I think heard on a radio news report that after five years of service , teachers get 4 months paid vacation and after ten years, they get 8 months paid vacation?

This could never be true. I must have been dreaming. For indeed if it were true, it would mean that when one adds the regular approximately three months school vacation, after five years, the teacher would work only four months per year and after 10 years, they would work only one month per year. It could never be true.

This is either a joke or I am going deaf!

If it is true, is it any wonder that we get so little value for the billions per year being spent on money in education?

If it is true, then I shall surely do all to ensure that I reincarnate as a teacher in Jamaica!

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