Thursday, September 2, 2010

Trafigura Again

A few days ago, I made the observation that the PNP and JLP were criminal organizations, based upon the fact that between them they had violently converted 25% of the constituencies in Jamaica into garrisons. For those who do not understand or have forgotten let me remind you.

The process of garrison formation is a type of political cleansing which involves using murder, arson, rape or terrorism to drive out the supporters of the other party and make the constituency or division into a homogeneous unit.

The latest example of this took place in St. Catherine in August this year when when some fifteen to twenty heavily armed members of the PNP aligned Clansman gang, invaded a community and killed ten persons in one night including an 11 year old child. This is the same Clansman gang whose leader Bulbie the PNP chose over their own Member of parliament Heather Robinson in 1995, when she told parliament how he was trying to take over her constituency but her colleagues refused to offer her any support. So she was forced to leave the constituency and the rest is history.

During the conversation referred to above, I maintained that there could be no redemption for Jamaica as long as those two parties alternate in government. I was asked by a caller if the younger politicians wouldn't make a difference and asked him if the Mafia started a university what would he expect the graduates to be?

I didn’t have to wait long for proof that this observation was spot on, for within a day I heard on the news that the President of the PNP youth organization was saying there was nothing wrong with Trafigura giving his party $31 million just before the 2007 election.

For the benefit of those who have no idea what the Trafigura issue is, let me enlighten to you. Trafigura is a company registered in the Netherlands and it collects, transports and sells Nigerian oil for Jamaica. For as a fraternal gesture many decades ago, the government of Nigeria started to give Jamaica oil at US$5 per barrel less than the market price.

During the 90's, in a sweetheart deal the PNP government passed on this concession to Trafigura for them to lift the oil and sell it on the open market and give us something. Guess how much they give Jamaica from this deal? 12 cents per barrel !

Since an election was on the horizon in 2007 and the oil lifting deal was soon to come up for renewal, when the news of the surreptitious "gift" leaked, most Jamaicans assumed that it was a straight bribe for them to get back the contract without competition, a corrupt act in any part of the world. However, Trafigura insisted that it was not a gift but a payment on a contract and they claimed to have a written document to prove it. Problem is however, up to today, no one outside of the PNP and Trafigura have seen this contract and we have no idea what the party which formed the government was tying us into.

To understand the possible implications, one must understand what Trafigura is and how it operates.

This is the company which in 2006, paid treacherous Ivoirians, (natives of the Ivory Coast in Africa) a small amount of money, (less than $31 million) to contaminate their land and people by dumping dump toxic waste in their country. As a result of this poison being dumped there, a number of Ivoirians died and thousands more had to be hospitalized. The million dollar questions therefore still stands, was the $31 million given to the PNP as a bribe or was it a down payment on a contract to dump toxic waste in Jamaica thus destroying lives and the environment ?

Having gone to the mafia college however, the young politician can see nothing criminal nor wrong with taking a bribe from or getting involved in a contract with such a disreputable company!

You know, the late Michael Manley, former head of the PNP was known to be a very unprincipled man, but I prefer to think his expressed love for Africa and things African could have been genuine.

 Therefore I am prepared to put my neck on the block that he would never have had any kind of association with a company which had so brutally destroyed the lives of poor black Africans. But the young graduates of the present mafia institution do not see a problem here

What a set!

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