Tuesday, February 22, 2011

One Step forward...........

"One step forward, two steps backward."

That must be the motto at the Registrar General's Office in Spanish Town.

The last time I applied for a document from that department I was able to apply and pay on line. Today, the application was accepted on line but no allowances were available to pay and an email was sent instruction that one should go to one of the branches within 14 days and pay for the service.

The only explanation I can think of for this regression is that the bureaucrats there must have decided that those who apply on line were having life too easy so they must be made to suffer, hence they are now being sent to the outlets to wait forever to be served.

I wonder what happens when people who live overseas apply?

Do they now have to journey to Jamaica to pay for the service, get a number and wait for a day or two until their number is called?

Apparently the only people who are satisfied with the services of the RGD are Mrs. Holness the Registrar General, and Mr. Rudyard Spencer, the Minister who is responsible for that department of government.


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