Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sorry Fi Mawga Dwaag........

Sorry fi mawga dawg, mawga dawg tun rung bite yu.

Tat is a line from a popular Jamaican song and it is so true.

When our unfortunate brothers in Haiti had the devastating earthquake, Jamaica was the first country to jump in and send in all sorts of support.

But guess what? Two years later we see Haitians burning the Jamaican flag!

This they did because the government took the right decision to protect its people by quarantining Haitians young people who were sent here to play football , although those who sent them knew that they had the contagious malaria disease.

It seems to me that the government should be commended for being proactive in protecting its people, while the Haitian authorities should be condemned for child abuse. For the team that was sent was under seventeen years old, thus mere children.

Malaria causes people to be weak and their bodies wreak with pain, yet the authorities there sent three young men in that condition to play football! How absolutely heartless of them.

I hope the next time the Haitians need assistance or set off on their rickety boats to seek a better life, Jamaica will not enter their thoughts.

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