Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Political Front Organizations

For years, it has been known that a number of so-called professional organisations are nothing but fronts for the opposition Peoples National Party. Apparently this came out of a direct strategy developed from the 50's when organisations like the Jamaica Welfare , the Jamaica Agricultural society (JAS) and the Jamaica Teachers Association (JTA) were formed to supposedly, look after the interest of those falling within their realm of activity.

As a result, many naive voters have been consistently fooled into thinking that when these organisations speak or act, it is in the interest of their members, when indeed most times, it is in the interest of their party.

One was reminded of this ruse recently as the JTA sent out a new release to condemn the government for auditing the accounts of a school at which the current principal was a past president of the JTA. However, just before they made their feelings known, the opposition PNP had claimed the same school had been audited, because the principal was their party activist!

Now how about that..... presidents of the JTA and PNP party activists must be synonymous for just before the last election,. the president of that association was at a conference telling the teachers to vote for the PNP! No pretense anymore.

I think it is well accepted that politicians and educators do not have the same goals, for politicians prefer to keep the people ignorant so they can be easily manipulated. Is it any wonder therefore that education in Jamaica is in such a terrible state despite the billions thrown into that bottomless pit?

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