Friday, February 4, 2011

Who Salt?

There was a time we used to hear how salt Bruce was for everything he touched turned to dust, bringing the very opposite returns to what had been announced/expected.. (Bruce of course is the prime minister of Jamaica and leader of the Jamaica Labour Party JLP) .

I am however beginning to wonder if the same could not be said about the PNP since their expectations and revelations are also turning to nothing but dust.

Right after the 2007 elections when the JLP won by a very small margin, the PNP saw an opportunity to try to regain power through the back door via the "Dual citizenship affair". so they brought a number of suits in the courts trying to unseat JLP members of parliament on the basis that their tenure in parliament was unconstitutional because they had sworn allegiance to another country (the USA).

But guess what, the courts turned the tables on them so instead of getting the seats, they were required to fight by- elections all of which they lost!

Then to add insut to injury the enrtire country soon learnt that their mortives were not at all honourable (they had claimed they brought these cases to make sure the constitution was upheld) FOR THEY TOO HAD MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT WHO WERE DUAL CITIZENS!

Now its the Mannat,Phelps and Philips Affair. This had to do with the JLP hiring a US law firm to make sure that their don Dudus, was not extradited for drug smuggling and gun running.

The PNP and especially former minister of Security Peter Phillips, milked the matter for all it was worth until the government capitulated and established a Commission of Inquiry. But guess what has now been revealed? Dr. Phillips, when he was minister of security, signed a secret MOU with the USA which in fact breaches the rights of the Jamaican people to freedom of expression! Now who has eggs on their faces? We cant wait for more to be revealed.

Fact is though, wi all salt by virtue of having these two crime families, the PNP and JLP, having the power to alternate in government for what seems to be forever.

Wi salt fi true..


  1. About the dual-citizenship trials, you didn't include that small matter of the large amount of money that Mr. Dabdoub makes for each case brought. The govt. is to pay him around $30M for each one, except for Warmington who is not going to fight it (That's pre-release news for you).

  2. Yup. Dabdoud is the main beneficiary of the entire fiasco.
