Saturday, April 16, 2011

Fluctuating Weather!

It is impossible to take bets on the weather in Denver as it can range from rain or snow one day to warm, sunny, beautiful 70 degrees the next. Today is absolutely beautiful, all sunny and warm. Its the first day I am venturing outdoors in short sleeves.

I even rode my one speed bicycle today.  I keep forgetting that Denver is one mile above sea level so it affects the breathing until one becomes accustomed to it. So although I am accustomed to riding up huge hills, a mere grade at the zoo had me out of breath this morning. Oh well, my lungs will soon adjust.
In Bolder, Colorado

Well thank heavens Michele did not deliver last night and she is having much less pain and contractions today so maybe it will really be the 22nd. I lost $5 to my grandson Shadrach, as I bet him that she would have delivered last night.

Driving around is not a problem for me . In fact I drove the 22 miles to Shadrach's school yesterday afternoon and only made one wrong turn. This morning I picked him up at the animal shelter where he does volunteer work without being accompanied by anyone.

I am surprised at the state of the roads in Den

however, considering it is supposed to be first world. There are quite a few pot holes and the roads are uneven. I think the roads in non-first world Costa Rica are far superior, but of course they are much better than in good old Ja!

Going over to Bolder today.

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