Monday, April 18, 2011

Almost There!

This was quite a busy weekend  and the weather was good to boot.

On Saturday we drove down to Boulder to the famous Pearl Mall. This is an attractive, artsy, walk through mall which reminds me a lot of one in New Orleans. It is filled with not only tourists and shoppers but all types of performers, artists and musicians who no doubt hope to be discovered and go to Hollywood! I didn't see one who could fit that mold however, but who knows?

There we visited the "Tesler" showroom where they had the fabulous all electric sports car selling at $100,000 each. I hear one or two have been sold.

Michele who had been having convulsions on Friday had hoped the walk would have encouraged "Madelynn" to speed up things, but she certainly is not ready yet.

We had dinner at a great Italian restaurant and when the guy heard our accents he immediately put on reggae music. Of course you know he got a big  tip!
I went riding on Sunday morning and Sunday afternoon, when Shadrach went jogging I rode with him.

Things are working out well and I am finding my way around. With Michele no longer at school I have to drive the 22 miles to his school and pick him up, but no problem.

Can't wait for Madelynn to pop out!

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