Thursday, April 14, 2011

Its Really Cold

Now I am feeling it! Yup. This darned bad weather is back. No sun today. Only snow and rain. Can you imagine snow in mid April! That's really uncivilised. I guess I wont be riding a bicycle for a while. Thank heavens my driver's license arrived. Unfortunately I do not have it in my hand yet as we were out when the Fed Ex people came. Anyway they say I will have it by 10 am tomorrow.

According to the weather people here the weekend will be sunny so I am hoping. You know, this is what I hate about North America. The day can start out fine and two hours later it is horrible. As long as I live I will never forget that trip to lake Lousie in Alberta, Canada on the 16th August....the heart of summer. It was a nice, sunny and hot day so naturally I had on my shorts. Then guess what? It started to snow by 1pm. Now how horrible can life get? Getting caught in snow while you are in your shorts!

Oh well, the day was not all lost for this morning Michele's colleagues at the school where she teaches had a baby shower for her. It was really nice and it is obvious that she is really big hit there both with the parents and teachers. Man she got so many gifts I just don't know when the poor baby is going to find time to wear them all!

1 comment:

  1. It all sounds so wonderful Joan. Personally, I don't mind the cold weather at all. Maybe it comes from all those inter-school football matches in England where we played regardless of sun or ice. A bit MTR actually.
