Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Weather in Denver

I can't believe that although one of the main reasons for me coming to Denver is to drive my grandson to school when Michele goes in to have the baby, I forgot my drivers license in Jamaica. What saved he day is having good friends for I was able to call my neighbour, ask her to look for it in the house and Fed Ex it up. Hopefully I will get it today or tomorrow. What would we do without good friends and neighbours? As they say in Ja, good fren better dan pocket money. Amen.

Every time I mentioned that I was going to Denver, my listener would reinforce my fear that I am going to freeze to death. Even the immigration officer in Florida expressed his sympathy when he heard that's where I was heading. On the other hand, my daughter kept insisting that although it was 60 degrees, it was not cold. Well I am absolutely amazed for she is right. I am someone who freezes at 75 degrees, but 60 in is really no big thing when yo have on a sweater. Thing is, Denver has no breeze....well its not that they have no breeze but it is rarely windy. Of course when it is, you really can freeze to death, but normally there is none.

Last night it was 58 degrees and I put on a sweater and went for a walk. Was never uncomfortable. This morning was a little different for everyone left by 6.30 am before the sun came up. So since I was awake I decided to go for a walk. Mistake. .......there was no sun and my nose and fingers got cold after I went a block, so I turned back to wait until the sun comes up.
No big deal really.

Happily, Denver is one of those civilised places that has bicycle lanes, so since their are 3 bikes here, I plan to mount up tomorrow. Michele has one with two baskets at the side like what old ladies used to ride in days gone by. Since I ain't no old lady, I am not riding that!

Devin has one without any gears but it has a broad seat, which is my style. He has a mountain bike but the seat is thin and uncomfortable and besides I would have to lug it out of the basement, so I will pass that up for the time being.

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