Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Its Surreal!

One of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen  in my many travels and my long life is the distant Rocky Mountains in western Colorado as it appears on the horizon, almost losing itself in the clouds except for the glistening snow on the peaks. Its kind of surreal really, transfixing and absolutely beautiful.

Each morning when I am heading back to Denver after dropping my grandson Shadrach at school, I am treated to this divine sight. It makes me want to treck up there! 

Of course I know better for when I did venture into the Rocky  Mountains some years ago, it was middle summer but the hills were still covered with snow and it was, well for me, freezing.

So now I happily enjoy the view from afar, very far, but I look forward to being overwhelmed by the absolute beauty every morning. For it remainds medaily of Gods greatness and the absolute beauty of this wondeful world.

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