Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Reflections, Reflections

Well here I am in Denver, Colorado and here I'll be for another 3 months. Actually the break will probably be good for me although I will probably die from freezing. Actually I was supposed to fly up on Sunday 10th but that was a big day for Miss Rites (Llynch) as she turned 80 years old and Sunshine was planning a l little surprise party for her. When I heard that the main event was oxtail, there was no way I was missing that. Then Fun and Thrills also arranged a ride to Tapioca village. That was good, uphill all the way to Stony Hill then beautifully undulating the rest of the way.

Would believe "Professor" Orrel fell? Apparently the "Ayatollah" inveigled him into doing a wheelie as he got to Tapioca and bam, drop! But he got up so fast I never even got a photo to prove the unbelievable event. He was not as unfortunate as Romano and Stephen who also fell but who hurt themselves. Romano recovered quite quickly though and rode again but poor Stephen who had just been hit down by a car a couple weeks ago and this was his first ride since then, didn't.

The food at Tapioca was good but little bit! I thought those who ate at Castleton were spoiling their appetites, but I wish I had spoilt mine!

Afterwards we walked about a mile to where the Ugly river meets the Wag Water river. Ugly is cold and the good old Wags, warm, so guess where I went? It wasn't very deep though but nice and warm.

I went back to Kingston early with Howie so we could get to his mom's birthday party on time. I was annoyed however as the stupid Air Jamaica's web page was giving problems so I could not log check in on line. You know what that means, it means you have to get to the airport 2 1/3 hours beforehand and my stupid flight was leaving 6 am.

Anyway I enjoyed Miss Rites' celebration and the food was absolutely great. I probably wont get any great food like that till I return but now the stupid camera is acting up again so I probably wont have any pictures from the party.

What on earth are you going to cold Denver at this time for, everyone asks. To welcome my first granddaughter and help Michele, thats what! Well I hope I will be a help more than a hindrance for I have forgotten everything about babies! You know I must have helped a lot when Shadrach was born but I really have no recollection of that time. I guess because I was operating on automatic pilot as Thor was killed when he was only 6 weeks old. All of us were on automatic pilot. It was the worst period of my life but thank god also the best since I did had my first grandchild Shadrach to help me retain my sanity. He is here in Denver going to school and boy he is growing up to be such a handsome fellow. I want him to come home for a few weeks in summer but he has to get a minimum of B's for he had allowed his grades to fall since moving here.

Oh well, all is well so far and it is nice to be with all my immediate family for the first time in years. Really looking forward to my first grandaughter on the 22nd.

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