Sunday, May 8, 2011


Cinco de Mayo is a celebration held on May 5th each year.This is not the date of the Mexican independence which incidentally falls in September. This is a special day celebrated nationwide in the United States and regionally in Mexico, primarily in the state of Puebla. It is observed in the United States as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride, and to commemorate the cause of freedom and democracy during the first years of the American Civil War.

In Denver, they started to celebrate this event 24 years ago. This year's celebration it is scheduled to run from May 8th to 9th and the weather has really been excellent. Yesterday, I went with my daughter Michele, Shadrach my grandson and my two week old granddaughter Madelynn to the Civic centre downtown to see the parade. If they had one, it must have happened before we got there or maybe it will be today. I was gravely disappointed as I love parades with the full colour of the costumes and floats.

There were lots of stalls with some Mexicans in their colourful national dress selling everything from souvenirs to food. I saw corn dog on sale and remembering how delicious it was the last time I had it probably about 30 year ago, decided to try it. It  was not at all as delicious as I remembered it being but maybe, as we get older, tastes change. For example, when I was young I would walk a mile for stinking toe but now if you gave me one I would probably retch! So I wont blame the corn dog, just my aging idea of what is nice and what isn't  anymore.

There was also a lovely display of immaculately restored muscle cars and trucks. Driving a muscle car slowly down the street with speakers blazing is the Latino teenagers dream, I understand. Of course the odd drunk sleeping it off in the park where hundreds of families converged to picnic, was a common sight.

There was continuous activity on stage with cultural offerings such as  music, dancing and miming.We didn't stay too long  though for once you saw a bit  it was basically repeats and Madelynn isn't particularly happy to stay in any one place for too long.

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