Monday, May 9, 2011


While the Denver City council is doing a good job trying to rehabilitate the roads in the neighbourhoods between Martin Luther King and Bruce Randolph Blvds, the baptists from Mt. Sinai church at the corner of Clayton street and Bruce Randolph are busy showing the world how unchristian they can be!

During the period of rehabilitation, residents in the area are not allowed to park in front of their homes between 7 am and 5 pm daily. Nothing unreasonable about this. So some of the residents who live near the baptist church have been parking in the unused parking lot. So guess what the Baptists did? Put signs on the vehicles  saying that they would be towed!  Now  how does that square with the biblical teachings about loving your neighbour and treating others as you would like to be treated?

I guess this church has removed such offending sections from their bible!

It is behavior like this that is causing the Christianity to be brought into disrepute all over the world. For as people realise that most who call themselves Christian only go to the church to get involved in networking , philandering and making money, they try to get as far as possible, away  from them.

I suppose those in authority at Mt. Sinai Baptist church are upset that most of those who use their parking space when no service is in process, do not attend their church and give them collection. But who would want to go to a church run by such petty mean spirited people?

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