Saturday, May 14, 2011


Yesterday  I was so proud when I picked up my grandson Shadrach Thor Williams at Cherokee Trail High school and he told me how at wrestling, he had challenged a 195 lb guy who ranked 4th in the nation, and the guy could not pin him down because he was too slippery, fast and strong. Wanna know who that guy was? It was Keith Johnson and if you want to know about him, see ;

As Shadrach is only 135 lbs and strength and size matter so much in wrestling, that was a great achievement  in my book. What is even more amazing is the fact that he has only been exposed to wrestling since November 2010 when he came to Colorado to attend school.

According to Shadrach, on his first day in a wrestling, he got pinned by a guy six times, a guy who only weighed 106 lbs. That young man had however been wrestling from he was 5 years old and was ranked fourth in the nation in his weight class. After that he got only one month's wrestling experience as his academic performance was not up to scratch and his aunt Michele insisted that he drop wrestling to work on improving his grades.

However during that month his performance improved rapidly leading him to become the best on the Junior Varsity team. He was due to be selected for the Varsity team which represents the school nationwide and was scheduled to go to Kansas for a tournament, but his poor academic performance made this impossible.

It was not until the off season that we was allowed to start wrestling again, but in the meantime he had concentrated at home on body building and reduced his body weight to 135 lbs of solid muscles, bench pressing 210 lbs and squatting at 250 lbs. He will shortly be qualified to become a member of the 600 club.

This has enhanced his wrestling performance greatly to the point where he shocked a  Brazilian Jujitsu expert by nearly pinning him in a recent challenge. He even wrestled a kung fu fighter who had been at the sport for some11 years but whom he knocked unconscious within the first 20 seconds of their match. The poor guy remained out for a good five seconds. Shadrach boasts that although he has knocked two other persons unconscious during his short stint at the sport, he has never been knocked out by  anyone and according to him, he never will!

Do we see  a great wrestler developing here? Maybe, if his brain development keeps pace with his brawn development!

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