Saturday, May 14, 2011


We regret that we are unable to be with the rest of the family on this sad but special day as we say a final farewell to our dear father- in- law,  grandpa and great grandpa, Chully Williams. 

As much as we are greatly saddened by his passing, we are comforted by the words of the famous comedian Dick Van Dyke who observed "Some people are so afraid to die that they never begin to live. " We know, no one could say that about Grandpa Williams as he lived a very full, productive  and caring life, and one always got the impression that he was afraid of nothing and was up to every challenge that presented itself. In fact, we cannot recall an instant when we saw Grandpa when he was not very pleasant and calm. 

Grandpa was always friendly and loving with his grandchildren. We remember when we would visit him at East Queen Street. He would always stop what he was doing to find out how we were and what was going on in our lives. He listened, cared and always had a smile on his face.  Grandpa was someone who we could always talk to about any matter and he always had a wise answer and positive attitude to whatever we initially thought  was a difficult situation.
His pleasant demeanor has left so lasting an impression on us that we too want to emulate it. 

Even when all around him people were losing their heads, he always exuded a quiet calm, and it is probably that uncanny ability that he had to remain unruffled that led to him having a relatively long, healthy life.

When Grandpa started to lose his memory, we were all very worried. At some point he must have made a decision to be kind, inviting and friendly regardless of whether he remembered us or not. We say this because whenever we visited him, he treated us as if he knew exactly with whom he was speaking. We could tell that he didn't exactly know it was us because his witty banter and generic statements could have been relevant anyone. Yet he made us feel welcome and comfortable. He knew and we knew. It was a conspiracy of sorts. Grandpa was a great performer and if he was feeling any pain, there was absolutely no indication of this from him.  

We are saddened that we were unable to be with him in his final days and especially regret that he did not have the opportunity to see his new great granddaughter, Madelynn, who was born in Denver , Colorado on the 23rd April,  a week before he died, but  we are assured that he was perfectly aware of this latest addition to his large loving family. 

Around 20 Ad, the great Roman philosopher  Seneca observed that .......The day which we fear as our last is but the birthday of eternity; as much as we will miss grandpa, we are comforted by the thought  that he is at peace now in eternity.

Walk good grandpa.

And to Grandma Williams: cheer upand be strong and we will see you soon.

Much love,
 Joan, Michele and Shadrach

1 comment:

  1. great tribute. Accept our condolences.
    The Greens.
