Friday, October 21, 2011

She's Here!

Whoopee! My granddaughter Madelynn  Sophia Elizabeth McBride arrived in the country of her maternal  ancestors, Jamaica, on Wednesday 19th October 2011 at 9.30pm. Aw poor kid, she had been travelling from 6am but was still in a great mood when she got here. And she looks no different from when I  last saw her at the end of June. Of course, being almost six months old, she is now creeping. Sure she may onlyu be creeping backwards but at least she is creepeing and sitting up by herself to boot.

It is so wonderful to have her here. Oh of course it is wonderful to have her parents too, but after all she is the star of the show.

Yesterday she got her first introduction to salt water as we went to  the beach at Hellsheire. She is such a champion that she just fell into the routine right away. No complaints about salt water.

Next we went to Two Sisters cave. It is good to keep going back to these places for you get reminded of things you had long forgotten. Two Sisters cave is an open cave for the top was destroyed in the 1692 earthquake which also destroyed Port Royal. In Hellshire itself there are some 139 caves all interlinked. Of that number, 22 have underground lakes. Two Sisters has two lakes, 60 feet at the deepest point.

So after a wonderful day at the beach and exploring caves, she went visiting great grandmother Williams and other friends and relatives. Boy is she going to be ever so tired when she heads out next week!

For more photos see;

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