Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Off They Go

Unfortunately, as they say, all good things must come to an end. Such a pity.
It was wonderful having my granddaughter here, but unfortunately it was just for one week. Boy did she ever enjoy the water...... from Hellsire to Caymans river and Silver Sands beach, she just got into the flow and had a wonderful time. She is such a well adjusted child,..... . salt water, fresh water, she is just ready to roll.

 And guess what, she crept forward today (26/10/2011) for the first time at last. Before, she had only been reversing as she learned to creep ,but this morning after much effort she went forward. Such a joy to see the progress....the simple things in life that make it such fun to see them grow up.

Now wshe has left a very sad "granny" behind. To make it worse, I heard it was 20 degrees and snowing in Denver this morning. Poor kid.

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