Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Cabinet ministers? No way.

I wonder if the Peoples National Party (PNP) wins the next election if we will see Anthony Hylton being appointed as a minister?

I ask, since over the past few weeks, Mr. Hylton has displayed a level of dishonesty which even brings Mr. Picklersill's doctrine of doing "anything" to gain power, to a new low. Firstly, in early November, he tried to whip up a firestorm by claiming  that companies had been banned from exporting under the new US Food Safety and Modernisation Act (FSMA). It took no less than the US Embassy to put out a statement refuting this. 

Then two days ago, he called a press conference to claim ganja found in Miami had been shipped from Jamaica as scrap metal. Another story of his that has been refuted.

Mr. Hylton  may have earned himself the much desired publicity he sought by these forays, but all he has proven to the public is that he is very careless with the truth and totally irresponsible.

And since I see were Mike Henry has stepped down as a minister because of his handling/mishandling of JDIC, but remains a candidate in the next election, it will be interesting to see if he too will be put back in the cabinet if the JLP wins the next election.

Whichever way it goes, the makeup of the next cabinet will tell us all we need to know as a young nation. But what the heck, we live in Jamaica so we could very well see Patrick Roberts being appointed a senior minister some day!

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