Saturday, November 26, 2011

That's Justice?

Sometimes I have to wonder whether Jamaican judges live in Wonderland. Not all  by any means, but most.
For so often we see sentences coming out of the courts which make no sense at all.

The recent  instance when Justice Fraser sentenced a man who raped  a I2 yr old girl and  buried her alive to  just I2 years in jail, worse after the probation report on the criminal showed he had nor remorse, since he claimed "She Wanted It" was incomprehensible to say the least.

Now we see  a sentence of 3 months being  handed down to  hungry man who stole 45 pods of  ackees  from the governor general's home at king's house.

By no means is one  condoning praedial  larceny which is far too prevalent in Jamaica. In fact I think the laws surrounding praedial larceny are far too mild. But this case is a bit differnt, for the Governor Generals huge unused property belongs to the Jamaican people. So whereas wandering on to the property when one is hungry to ease the terrible pain in the belly, may be wrong, it certainly does not deserve 90 days in jail, an average of 2 days per pod of ackee?

If  I 've ever heard of  a wicked sentence, its got to be that handed down by justice Pusey.

I hope the Governor general who is supposed to be a  highly religious person, will pay the fine so the poor, hungry man does not have to spend Christmas in jail.

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