Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What's New?

In one fell swoop, the young, new prime minister of Jamaica, Andrew Holness, has caused me to believe that he has nothing new or different to bring to the table of Jamaican politics.

The fell swoop is the acceptance of the embattled  former People's National Party (PNP) MP Sharon Hay Webster into the fold, to run for the Jamaica Labour Party.(JLP)

Readers may recall that Ms. Hay Webster had been for a years a solid member of the (PNP) and my leeriness about her arose from the fact that in 1995, Heather Robinson, the then PNP MP for South Central St. Catherine, resigned from that constitutive and politics on the grounds that she was not interested in "hugging up gunmen" who were trying to take over her constituency." She could get no assistance from her party to deal with the problem, (in fact, I got the distinct impression that the PNP solidly threw its support behind the gunmen at the expense of Ms. Robinson!)  and when she walked it was Ms. Hay Webster who took over the seat and she has prospered mightily in it.

Is it because she was prepared to and did hug up gunmen, why she survived so well in that seat?

The threat that Heather Robinson foresaw, came from a man called Bulby who successfully set up the "Klansman Gang". Since Robinson walked away, that gang grew by leaps and bounds mainly through the extortion racket in Spanish town and when Bulby was finally killed, he was said to be worth some $100 million.

Not only did the gang become super rich, but also their influence in the political sphere grew far and wide to the point where today, not only is the Klansman gang the enforcing arm of the PNP in South Central St. Catherine, but also in St. Catherine East Central. And their latest campaign has been to behead women and children.

So is Mrs. Hay Webster a politician off the order of a Ms. Heather Robinson? I don't think so.

Also, why is Ms. Hay Webster now ready to resign the seat (which she is not entitled to hold since she is a US citizen) and give up her US citizenship  whereas during her many years as a PNP parliamentarian, she insisted that she was qualified to remain in Parliament despite her dual citizenship status?

Ms. Hay Webster's entry into the JLP raises more questions than answers, especially since there is no way in hell that she is going to win that strong PNP seat, now that she is representing the JLP there.

This whole affair has nothing but a strong stench to it.

1 comment:

  1. There was nothing else Sharon Hay-Webster could do. She had fallen out of grace with the PNP and has no profession to fall back onto, while the JLP look like favourites to win the next election. She's a hustler.
