Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fling Rockstone Inna Pig Pen

Who told me to fling rockstone inna pig pen? For the email responses (abuses) have certainly been amusing.

Let me make it clear that when I point to the age old sexist practice in certain quarters in Jamaica of only asking for accountability when women ascend to high office in public institutions, I am not at all saying that  for accountability and transparency is bad or malicious. By no means could this be so since I have been on record over the many decades,  demanding accountability from public servants.

However, what I detest is hypocrisy. For example, how come no one wanted accountability from the UDC when God ruled and we couldn't find out what public assets were being sold and for how much?

In the interest of transparency and accountability, will some parliamentary committee and powerful journalists start looking into the operations of important institutions such as the Public Defender's office, so we can find out how many hapless victims whom have suffered at the hands of government agents/agencies they have gotten justice for versus the number of complaints made to them? And how about the Fair Trading Commission among other important institutions to citizens? Or do we have to continue waiting for women to head these and other institutions before the searchlight can be put on them?

Help me to become less cynical about this society!

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