Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Nomination Day

Yesterday, Monday 12th December, was nomination day for the elections to be held on the 29th December to elect a new government.
Thank heavens, it was a peaceful day with scenes of supporters from the two main parties, the JLP and PNP actually walking, singing and dancing together. There are 63 constituencies up for grabs and some 150 persons nominated for the jobs of members of parliament.

Quite frankly, I am so turned off Jamaican politics these days that for the first time in my life, I don't really care who wins. For although the PNP had been in power for 18 years and made a mess of the economy, the JLP has been in power for only 4 years and have already made almost everything they have touched into chaos and confusion. For example, while they hit us with a gas, supposedly to fix the roads , the roads have not been fixed but they spent over $100 million out of the money to refurbish the implementing office and have $60 million in furnishing waiting to equip it.

Fact is, this will be the first time in my voting life (since 1976) when I will not be voting, this is not because I do not feel like voting but I had already made my plans to be overseas long before they announced the date for the election.

 Such is life. Anyway, I won't miss much as the two main parties are hardly any different these days......nothing but back daag and monkey.

I just hope they keep it peaceful and do not mess up the peoples' Christmas and new year celebrations.

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