Thursday, December 8, 2011


I have a dream. Nah. Not the type the late, great MLK had, but ordinary every night or almost every night dreams.

You know there was a time when I knew I had dreamt but could never remember anything about my dreams. Now I remember a number of them. Problem is though, I have been trying to understand the significance of dreams, but can't figure it out....I canna cross it!

In the past, I  have followed some gamblers who said I should buy cash pot when I remember my dreams. Twice I did that madness and lost a total of Ja$200, so I will never buy cash pot again!

Some of my dreams are very stark, but I just don't know what to make of them.  So out of curiosity, I have decided to start recording my dreams right here and maybe one day when I get old and have nothing to do, I will buy some dream books and see if there is a pattern or something.

Of course I have to figure out how to separate actual dreams from my subconscious playing games with me. This  happens often as I always go to sleep with a radio blaring in my ears (usually BBC) and sometimes when I get up thinking I had an exciting dream, I hear aspects of it on the same station in their news.

I remember a terrifying experience I had as a child with this same outside infiltration of my subconscious. You see, I had this grandmother who was such a devout christian that she was addicted to preaching on the radio and would even  endorse the back of her pension cheques and send them straight to Oral Roberts and Billy Graham!

One morning, I was having a nightmare about being in hell. Everything was hot and blazing and as I tried to escape my feet were being burnt up as I was running on red hot, searing coal. At the same time I was being chased by a terrifying monster with a fiery spear. It felt real and unbearable. I was so happy when I woke up and realised it was just a dream or rather, a nightmare. But guess what?  I  realised that what I had been living in my dreams was what I had been hearing on my grandmother's radio in the next room,  for she had been listening to some loud, firebrand preacher shouting about the trials and tribulations of life in hell!

So that is how external forces can play havoc with what we think are our dreams. Then there are the instances when you have too much vodka and have very confused and muddled dreams. However, I can recognise these and eliminate them.

So yea. I have decided to start recording them, but guess what, I know I dreamt last night but have been unable to remember anything about  that dream although I have been trying all morning!

Anyway, even if I can only remember one dream per week and record it, it will give me something to do in my idle years ahead! lol.

15th December 2011.

How ironic, now that I have decided to record the dreams which had been coming regularly and which I had been remembering clearly, I have almost stopped dreaming! In fact, I have only dreamt once since recording this decision and I forgot what I had dreamt about by the time I woke up!

Anyway, there is time yet.

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