Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A Petty Bureaucrat

I had to reply to the Public Defender's letter in the Jamaican Observer, since his personal attack on me just confirmed what I always thought of him, ie. he is nothing but an ineffective petty bureaucrat.
The letter is below,.

I refer to the public defender's letter of December 5, "Public defender in his ackee, takes on Joan Williams, Al Miller". I won't bother to comment on his defense of his office, but with regard to his childish, unthinking and spurious suggestion that I provide employment for Mr Junior Christie (the man sentenced to three months for stealing 45 ackee) I have no vacancy at this time!
However, I live on the periphery of King's House and have often commented on the state of what appears to be hundreds of acres of idle land overgrown with weeds. Since King's House receives millions of dollars per year for the upkeep of the property from us taxpayers, may I suggest that the public defender Mr Earl Witter put a proposal to the governor general for the development of that vast property to provide employment for Mr Christie and so many others in need of work.

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