Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Another Dream

I had another dream last night, but I am convinced this particular one was a combination of my subconscious playing tricks on me by mixing up what I was hearing on BBC news (I tend to keep the radio on that station when I go to bed) with my own imagination, I guess.

The BBC has been carrying the news constantly about the running aground of the Italian cruise ship Concordia, near Giglio island.

 I suppose I was hearing another aspect of the report as I dreamt that I was stranded on an island , not as a result of a cruise ship going ballistic, for I had no idea how I got there. With me was a gentleman who shall remain nameless, but someone with whom I would never be caught  stranded on an island with! Naturally he wanted to have sex but I had to walk him out.

 The next scene was in a hotel and I went to the lobby to try and get a safe to store quite a lot of US dollars which I had in my wallet and which I did not want to leave in the room of my hotel.

Then I woke up.

What the heck kind of dream is this?

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