Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Dream at last

Some time ago, I decided to start recording my dreams and ever since I wrote about it, could I remember one dream!

Well this morning (10/1/2012) as I walked with a friend, we started  to discuss a house we saw along the way and guess what happened.......I suddenly remembered that I had dreamt last night and more importantly, I could remember the dream in full detail what I had dreamt. This was absolutely amazing as before that instant, I hadn't even remembered that I had dreamt the night before!

Maybe this programme that I am starting in 2011 will give me an opportunity to review my dreams one day when I have nothing better to do and give me some understanding into what dreams are about.

The thing about this particular dream is that I saw a house that I have recalled having dreamt about many other times. In some dreams,  I own this house. In others, and last night in particular, I don't.

This house I am aware is in Washington Gardens off the Mandella highway but I do not know the exact location. It is a large bungalow, not particularly well kept but it was rearranged from being a one family home with into four or pershaps six separate flats. I saw one flat behind the garage and another just made up of two rooms with the bathroom behind that. I am aware of other flats  but don't know the exact location.

This dream started with me seeing someone I apparently know (but couldn't say who) who was saying they desperately need somewhere to rent and immediatelty I thought about that house. I then rode my bicycle to the place to find out from the tenants when it would be convenient for me to bring a client. I was met  and heralded into the kitchen by a very nice lady whom I obviously knew (but who I do not recognise in reality) but as far as I can recall, I got no further in that quest.

My next scene was somewhere in the Mountain View area where I ran into a black man who told me he worked with the US Embassy and they were having some kind of function there. He told me I was welcome to join in and enjoy some lovely roast beef they had. I asked him if I should go in and help my self but he said no way when in Jamaica they do not leave anything out in the open. (implying that we were a country of thieves). We went inside and as I walked along a passage, saw some people eating beef sandwiches.

That's all I remember but this was one confused, convoluted dream! I can only assume the recurrence of this particular house is linked to the fact that I am a real estate broker, but I wasnot aware that I carry my work to bed!

1 comment:

  1. Careful Joan, you're making it sound like you're losing your marbles.

    How come you didn't approve my comment on the Christmas article?
