Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Democracy of Dons?

The front page story in Sunday's Gleaner, should make those who think we live in a  decent country  and a  real democracy, cringe.

According to the story entitled "Zeeks' Money Muddle - Did The PNP Bail Out Its Former Strongman?"it is alleged that whereas under the former JLP government , alleged PNP Don, Zeeks, withdrew his application to get back the $24 million in cash that had been  seized from his home, when he was asked to prove how he had come by it.  Now that the PNP has been returned to power, the money is being returned without question from the Attorney General's office.

I myself had wondered about this when I first heard on the news some time ago, that the court had ruled that the money should be returned. 
According to the gleaner story, When asked about this development, Patrick Atkinson, Attorney General is quoted as saying  "We don't just take people's money without a legal basis."  

I wonder what happened to the "Proceeds of Crime Act" where persons who (do not make tax returns?) cannot show how they got the money have it seized? 

As I read the story  it hit me again what a terrible dilemma this country faces. On one hand we have an alternative government which was prepared to use the full power of government and destroy the country's reputation to protect one of its Dons from extradition and now this blatant case. 

There was a time when  Gleaner Editorials used to,  correctly in my book, refer to the PNP and JLP as gangs of Gordon  house, but the Gleaner seems to have found some evidence to convince them that this is no longer so. Would the editor care to direct me where to find this evidence?

I wonder what our moral leaders in this so christian country have to say about this development or have they  been struck dumb on the road to Damascus in this Lenten season?

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