Thursday, February 28, 2013

Poor Management, No Sanctions

One of the reasons why Jamaica has become one of  the (if not the most) most indebted countries in the world is because there are absolutely no sanctions for poor management/performance or policy making  in the public sector.  But why should there be when our taxpayers don't care that they are always being forced to bear the full brunt of the fallout?

One does not have to look far to find recent, stark and recurring examples of this being rubbed in our faces.... the Public Defender Earl Witter,  winner of the poorest performer award for the years 2011, 2012 and possibly 2013 and look at the destructive performance of the National Water Commission (NWC) over the years.

 The NWC has developed the expertise in destroying infrastructure and undoing all good road work and replacing same with totally unacceptable work.

 Oh yes, each time, the NWC is broke, it can always run to the taxpayers and get a bailout, whether we like it or not, but  are the policy makers /management or anyone there ever sanctioned for throwing money down the drain?

Never heard of it.  Latest examples of their destructive and money wasting practices will soon be visible on the new airport road and are already in evidence in Portmore where some roads were recently rehabilitated.

I think the Jamaican taxpayers deserve awards for being the most complacent, compliant and long suffering in the world.

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