Saturday, March 30, 2013

Fasting, Riding and All that.

I have long considered myself a solid, unbreakable carnivore. In fact I have  often wondered if I had been a cannibal in one of my past lives! But yesterday I discovered I could actually last a full day without meat.

I must be getting old.

Anyway I have started back doing  Yoga  and the Dada suggested that it is good to fast for a day now and then to clean out your system. So since yesterday was Good friday and I have long stopped cooking and re no one else do so on that day, I decided to experiment with a fast.

I had coconut water from morning to noon and although I was starving by then, I resisted temptations including that delicious home-made bun ginning at me on the dining table.

By 3 pm I thought I was dying from starvation so figured that since mangoes are fruit that did not count so had three. But by 5pm I coild not stand the sight of the grinning bun so gave it a stab and had some cheese. Boy was it ever good. So now I comfort myself by saying I did an entire day without any meat. Quite an achievement I think.

Maybe the next time I try I will do the entire day without any solids.

And this morning I felt extra good so at 6am did not bother to drive up to meet the others who were taking the kids from the National Children's Home to Rockforth bath to swim after a ride to Bull Bay, so I rode up instead.

Only problem is when I got to the gas station to wait on them, I bought a newspaper, read it off and  still no one turned up after more than fifteen minutes.

 So I decided to do my regular ride up Beverly hills then head home. On the way up I saw Fatman riding down but told him I could not bother  to go with them.  Five missed calls from Charles later I decided to answer the phone and let him convince me to ride with them.

After a total of 2 1/2 hours of riding then swimming. had to ride home again. But it seems the attempted fast was really good for me for I was not at all tired when I returned home just before 12 noon.

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