Thursday, March 28, 2013

Now We Know

Thanks to that bit of investigative journalism by Balford Henry which was published in today's paper under the banner  "Parliament Not Passing Agreed Quota Of Bills"  and which begins "OVER the past 33 years, the Jamaican Parliament has been passing an average of 25 pieces of legislation annually, compared to the target of an average of 148," we now know why this country is regressing instead of progressing and why the word "Justice " has lost its meaning.

So despite the rapid growth in technology, our creaking system has not caught up with the possibility of experts authenticating a video recording, resulting in a clear case of murder which was played out before our eyes, going no where.

 To make matters worse,  in 2013, when an individual is overseas, the concept of video link is way beyond our utility because no legislation to cover it.

 With this latest reminder of  the disgraceful performance by our parliamentary representatives, how could I have expected them to have exercised the moral authority or even the competence to  bring to book  an under-performing  Public Defender?

I suppose if we had parliamentarians who cared what example they set for the youth in a country where productivity is steadily decreasing, or even a vigilant electorate, these things would be important.  But in Jamaica  we get the leadership we deserve, no more no less..........and live happily ever after ranking in the top five of the happiest people in the world!

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