Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Jamaica and Caricom

This absolutely beautiful country of mine, Jamaica is a big joke!

We are rightly fully rated among the happiest people in the world for we care about nothing, so our rulers knowing that,  are happy to do anything they feel  to us and get away with it.

Take the issue of Jamaica and Caricom. For years I have been one of the lonely voices in the wilderness pointing out that our association with Caricom has been nothing but a very expensive attempt to federate us through the back door with the other English Speaking Caribbean  countries although our association brings no benefit but severe costs.

This was the  feeling of the majority of the people in 1961 when they voted "NO"  in the the Referendum  on the issue,  but because our modern leaders all wear the University of the West indies school tie, they have tried to sneak us into this backdoor federation with great success.

Those of us who object to he federation, point to the disadvantages to Jamaica under the treaty of Chagaramus which have caused this country to have become a virtual colony of Trinidad and the fact that Jamaicans do not enjoy free travel to the smaller territories and in most cases are made to feel unwelcome.

These are issues that successive governments have chosen to ignore so it was with great surprise  that I read in the newspaper that  in joining in the Shanique Myrie case, one hears that the lawyers representing the Jamaican government are contending that Barbados has engaged in a pattern of discrimination against Jamaicans  Duh. So  if they have known this all along,  why have they not done anything about it?

Stupid question I guess, for nuh suh di tings run  a yard!

(Shaniqe Myrie brought a case against the Barbados government for refusing her entry to that country and for conducting a body search on her . The case is being brought in front of the Caribbean Court of Justice).


  1. David Welly WellingtonMarch 9, 2013 at 5:10 PM

    Hi Joan, I've heard the argument that the PNP govt, especially under PJ, has been pushing for Ja's participation in the CCJ as well as Caricom, while the JLP has resisted this. What's your take?

  2. I don't have a problem with the
    CC. we are paying for it anyway so may as well use it.

    It was not a priority at the time we rushed into it though as our problem with justice is at the 1st and second levels not at the final court. very few people take issues to the final court. Wrong priorities as usual!
