Monday, July 15, 2013


Some years ago, I was at Silver Sands in Trelawny, Jamaica , for the weekend and walked up to  Duncans, the nearby village, to get a newspaper. The road from Duncans to Silver Sands is long and winding and very lonely in the mornings.

As I started walking back to my cottage, I noticed a man walking  a little distance behind me. He soon started to call to me but I  ignored him, assuming he would stop off eventually at the football field approximately halfway down the hill, as I had seen a football match in progress when I was walking up.

Unfortunately he did not stop, but continued to trail and call out to me.

As the rest of the road was lonely, I looked out for the first place I could slip into and hide and eventually saw a small track around a slight corner and quickly sneaked into the bushes and picked up a large stone.  Would you believe he too entered the tiny track leading into the bushes! As he came around the bend I jumped out with my hand raised holding the stone ominously.

He nearly jumped out of his skin and stammered as he tried to answer the question I posed about him stalking me.Seeing how scared he looked,  I stepped aside and allowed him to pass, then returned to the road. I guess if  this was Florida and he had a gun and had shot me, he could have pleaded "self defense " and got away with murdering me! Thank God he had no gun and I live in Jamaica.

I reflected on this incident on hearing the results of the George Zimmerman trial, where this man got away with killing  a little boy much smaller than him, when the kid apparently  injured him slightly after confronting him for stalking him .

Yes sir, Racism is surely alive and well in Florida for Zimmerman is a white man and the kid he killed black and it is more often than not quite legitimate for white people to kill black people in the USA. No problem mon.

We can just imagine what would have happened had Zimmerman been black and Trevon Martin white.

Lets hope the federal government does not sit idly by and allow this blatant murder  and racism in the courts, to go unpunished


  1. I agree with your story but there's a gaping hole in it: "Why was the man calling to you in the first place?"

  2. Isn't it normal for you men to make lewd remarks to women on the street? Or are you implying I am over the hill!!!!

  3. No. I just thought he was calling out at you with inane utterances which is what I get when idlers are calling me when all they want to beg a money.
