Monday, July 15, 2013

Kwame falls

Despite undoing my long standing domino record with partner Chris (the driver) and getting two separate sets of six love from Carolyn and her new partner another Chris,  (she fired Fatman!) that full days trek organised by Michael and Karen Chuck, was one of the best organised events I have ever  been on.

And no blame on their shoulders, the 43 seater bus that came for the Fun and Thrills crew, did not pull out until more than an hour later than scheduled, holding up the Stella Maris and photographic club posse which traveled on a 25 seater leaving from the Chuck's  home.

Once we were on our way, all went extremely well as we had a very competent driver who provided wonderful music which he brought along on his thumb drive and the organisers even arranged a bathroom stop at the hotel in Robin's Bay.

When we were almost at our destination
our guides, a small boat with captain and crew were waiting. As we had a 1 3/4 hour hike through the bushes to the beach where we would be having lunch, arrangements had been made for the boat to transport the food  and heavy stuff and Betty would also travel by sea as she had two broken toes. Chris (driver) also went along in the boat to help with the cargo,.

We started the walk about a half mile beyond the point where we met the boat and the hike was along a nice, undulating, scenic path and  we were accompanied by three guides, one in front, one in the middle and one at the back.

By the time we got to the beach where we planned to have our meal, the boat was there and we learnt that while the trip had been bumpy but uneventful, when they docked and a large wave came ashore and turned over the boat, sending everything into the swirling waters.  Luckily the crew was able to retrieve almost everything and most importantly , all the food.

We soon arrived at a perfect spot with sufficient trees to give  us lots of shade to hang around under, for food and dominoes. The swimming there was not good however, so we headed towards Kwame Falls. 

The path there was also quite easy, passing  by a big morass (thank god no crocodiles are in the side of the island) and
crossing through the dry Kwame river bed at least three times. On the way I noticed a number of huge holes in the ground and on inquiring from the guide what was happening, he told me they were crab holes, boy would I ever love to see those crabs in a pot for those were the largest crab holes i have ever seen. 

Incidentally, we were told that Kwame was one of the maroon soldiers who fought with Tacky against the British and it is significant that the falls named after Kwame  are much smaller than  the one, also in St. Mary, named for Tacky.

 In fact, because it is a drought season, these falls were a mere trickle but below was a huge swimming area, very deep in most areas but the great thing is it had some very warm spots indicating that there were warm springs feeding into the area.

We spent an absolutely wonderful time there, frolicking in the waters before going back to the beach to find that the pre-cooked lunch made up of delicious curried goat, barbecue chicken. grilled sausage etc was  being served.

After eating, drinking and feeling very merry, we sat down to a game of dominoes but did not get very far before we were summoned to leave.

On the way back, I saw poor David j limping along for his shoes had given way but Orrel and his daughter's best friend walked slowly along with him. It must have been a tortuous journey back for him because the trail has an over abundance of rocks and pebbles but when  we got back, we saw all the people who had been rushing us, waiting, as the bus had gone to get the cargo from the boat.

 So we found some dominoes at a shop piazza and alas, that is where I earned myself two six loves.

As we got ready to leave, we heard there would be a delay as a man who had come with a the photographic club was having heart palpitations and as he had had by pass surgery, a bike had to be sent down the narrow trail  to being him in. Fortunately, he seemed to have made it ok as I heard nothing adverse.

I was also very impressed with the professionalism of the lead guide for when we reached the hotel where we had picked him up, he came over to our bus to thank us for using him and wished us a good day..... excellent training and what had grabbed me about them too was the fact that at lunch , I had to invite them to come over and get something to eat, as when I went to get my chair from the boat, they were sitting there patiently. It was only when I inquired  if they had eaten,  that I realised that they were not the regular type of  guide that we have had in the past, who would have dived for the food, with or without an invitation. Really professionally trained fellows.

I  unreservedly give the organizers of this hike,  10 out of 10.

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