Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Only In Jamaica

As a health conscious person, I am totally disgusted  daily as I try to enjoy the open air, only to have my lungs assaulted by huge clouds of dangerous carbon monoxide coming out of vehicles. The most outstanding incidents occurred as I walked up Mountain Spring only to be overwhelmed by this from a minibus carrying police to guard the home of a minister.

Then the following day, walking on South avenue, six cars passed  just by the traffic light at Waterloo Road and 50% of them sent  out clouds of dangerous carbon monoxide into our lungs. That is now a regular thing on the roads of the capital city.

I had to shake my head., for here we are in a country where there is now  this big to-do about cigarette smoking and the effects of second hand smoke (I agree with the ban incidentally but certainly not some of the regulations and the ridiculous fines ) but ignore daily the far greater danger posed by carbon monoxide from vehicles (and police vehicles to boot!) when the law banning of such vehicles on the roads has been in existence for decades.

So yes, the  cigarette smoking ban is the big news today but I am here to bet that  by next year, the ban will be honoured in the breach, just as we have been ignoring for years, the far more dangerous incidence of dangerous vehicles belching carbon monoxide into the lungs or all but those fortunate enough to travel around in closed air conditioned vehicles. 

1 comment:

  1. Didn't we pass a law about compulsory wearing of helmets by motor-cyclists? This law is not only abused and ignored, it is being made a mockery of right in front of our police. Those who do wear helmets just stick them ridiculously on the top of their head above eyes and ears.
