Monday, July 29, 2013

Junior Gong getting ever better everyday

Bob Marley's last son Damion Marley whose stage name is Junior Gong gets even better every time  time I see him performing, thinking too that he could not get any better.

 I thought his performance  at jazz festival could not be improved on but at this year's Reggae Sumfest, he blew me away.

What is outstanding about that young man is the fact that he has not chosen to make his name trying to sound like his famous father, but has developed his own style and constantly hones his craft.

Unfortunately I could only attend the last night this year and I had heard that this pop singer Miguel has been taking the American music scene by storm, and had been excited to hear him at this years Sumfest, but lo and behold his act was the only one I fell asleep in. I hope his performance improved during my well needed sleep!

All other acts were great with Romain Virgo giving an "outstanding" sticker in my book and Junior Gong a "just superb" sticker.

Miss Kitty on the back stage was quite good too, as I had no idea she was such a comedienne. She held the crowd well and we did not even remember that we were waiting on band changes on the main stage between acts.

The most hilarious moment was when she invited members of the crowd to come om stage and recite the 23rd Psalm. I swear at least ten people went up and not one could recite it completely! I related the incident next day to a big church lady asking how come in this so -called christian county, no one who went up knew the psalm. Her reply was that true Christians don't go to worlian things like Sumfest! lol

It was a wonderful family weekend at Silver Sands too as my entire family, minus daughter Michele and her daughter Madlynn were there.

It was another great weekend and the last for a while with my grandson Shadrach who goes home to New York to prepare for his entry into university in Tampa next moth.

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