Saturday, January 4, 2014

American Economic Bullyism

How do you think it feels to be a Jamaican in the state of  Colorado on New Year's day 2014? Damn annoyed, for that was the day that Colorado legalized the use of marijuana while poverty stricken Jamaica looks on in frustration as our ability to enter the market legally, is overpowered by American might.

Jamaica has always been known as the country that produces the best ganja in the world. And don't tell me about ganja being a dangerous drug for it is a well known fact, internationally accepted by now that ganja has been used to  treat or cure for many diseases and is certainly a miracle worker when it comes to relieving chronic pain.

So why is it we have to keep our industry underground even while the states of Colorado and Washington are able to legalize the product?

Sheer economic terrorism on the part of the Americans.

For what we will see happening is state after state in the USA legalizing the use of the product until is freely available in every nook and cranny of the USA while the federal government uses its military and economic  might to keep weak, small countries like Jamaica from legally entering the market and offering quality products on a competitive basis.

 And don't tell me about being against smoking since marijuana can be consumed in many forms as even one shop in Denver supplies some twenty five, yes 25, different products made from ganja, many of which were probably first "discovered" when some American entrepreneur visited Jamaica.

It is now clear that the rest of the producing world has to come together to fight this most unfair attempt by the American government to sneak around the important terms of the WTO agreement, which were signed on to by all interested in fostering a level playing field in trade, internationally.

In the meantime too, we must join the courageous government of Uruguay which on the 23rd December, 2013, signed into law, its progrmme to institute a legally regulated market for marijuana. 

1 comment:

  1. There was some guy on the radio talking this same thing. Didn't get his name.
