Thursday, January 9, 2014

Delta, The World's Worst Airline

Delta Airline resumed its Kingston to Atlanta service on the 19th December and I used this service on the 21st December to go to Denver, Colorado for Christmas. Big Mistake, for when I arrived at my destination, it was without my luggage. They had it delivered, leaving it out on the snow- covered porch in the middle of the night (I guess, since I was fast asleep when it came) despite my answering no to the question of delayed baggage clerk when asked if it could be left when no one was there to collect it!

That was not so bad but trying to get back to Jamaica on the 7th January was the real trial.
Of course I could never blame Delta for the Arctic storm that caused a snow storm, but it is how you manage things in a difficult situation that separates professionals from  amateurs. 

I had to rush headlong to catch the connecting flight DL383 in Atlanta as flight DL1578 was about one hour late in arriving from Denver. This was no fault of Delta's however, as on coming into Denver International Airport the plane had a collision with birds and safety maintenance had to be done.

Where I found total mismanagement however was in Atlanta for they had boarded passengers on to Fl 383 although they had no co-pilot!!!!!!

 It appears that because of the bad weather, the co-pilot's flight to Atlanta was delayed by some 4 hours, YET DELTA WENT AHEAD AND BOARDED THE PLANE HE SHOULD HAVE TAKEN TO KINGSTON! IS IT THAT THERE IS NO COMMUNICATION AMONG DELTA'S MANAGEMENT?

While the crew was very professional in trying to appease the plane full of passengers who became more and more irate as the wait moved from a few minutes to just under four hours, to add insult to injury, when the flight arrived in Kingston, some 20 passengers w, including myself, were left without any luggage.

Can you believe that with a flight delayed for almost four hours, the luggage from connecting flights could not be loaded on? How much time does Delta need to deal with connecting baggage? 24 hours?

You know, one cannot but wonder if the reason why this flight was treated so disrespectfully is because it was a planeful of mainly black  people!

 Over a day has passed since my arrival in Kingston and yet no one at Delta's office can tell me anything about my luggage.

As one who has traveled extensively, I definitely vote Delta the worst in the world and I certainly do not consider their return to Kingston as an asset for the island.

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